Technology courses are essential to every Catholic school curriculum. In fact, technology is required to be integrated throughout each course of study from Mathematics to Religion. The use of technology in the 21st century is integral to preparing students for college and career success. Technology courses in Catholic schools cover a variety of lessons including Research and Information Fluency, Digital Citizenship, Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration. All of these units are taught and influenced by the lens of Catholic identity and the dignity of all humankind.
Technology Throughout RSPS
In attempting to meet the educational needs of the 21st century student, Resurrection-St. Paul School, a Howard County STEM school, is committed to integrating technology into all areas of the curriculum. All teachers are required to include the use of technology in their weekly lessons.
In The Classroom
- All classrooms are equipped with computers, projectors, and wireless connectivity.
- Audiovisual devices like projectors, LCD screens and interactive document cameras enhance instruction.
- Mobile tech carts containing Apple iPads, MacBooks and video production equipment are brought into the classroom as needed.
- Blended learning takes place with teachers utilizing online resources like Google Classroom, G Suite, Discovery Education, ThinkCentral, Kahoot and other various programs.
- Parents are able to monitor daily assignments through Google Classroom and grades through PowerSchool.
Technology for Students
The technology tools encourage collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Teachers may work one-on-one with students or with the whole class using these tools.
For the protection and safety of our online learners, Resurrection-St. Paul School employs three different filtering programs for use at our campus: WatchGuard WebBlocker, Google Apps for Education Managed Accounts, and GoGuardian. RSPS also uses services from BARK to help monitor students’ online correspondence.
PreK-3 through Grade 3 have access to computers and iPads in each classroom.
- Pre-K3 through Grade 2 have access to desktop computers and Chromebooks in each classroom.
- Grades 1 through Grade 8 have 1:1 Google ChromeBooks.
- 2 classroom sets (32 in each) of Turning Point instant response “clicker” systems
- Digital still and video cameras
- A video origination cart which makes it possible to air live broadcasts from any classroom in the school to all other classrooms
Digital Innovative Lab
In 2019, RSPS created a flexible technology maker space, known as the Digital Innovation Lab. This lab enables teachers to work with the Technology Integration Specialist and STEM Coordinator to integrate lab resources into the curriculum. The lab houses abundant supplies for Project Based Learning. Floor to ceiling whiteboards enable students to brainstorm and visually organize their thoughts. The flexible table arrangement allows for multiple student groups to collaborate and use mobile whiteboards.
New high end Lenovo laptops feature Adobe Premier Software for video editing and production with our green screen studio. Tinkercad 3D design projects are enhanced with four Dremel Digilab 3D printers and a Dremer Digilab Laser Cutter.
3D Printing
In addition to the core technology integrated curriculum, 3D printing has been added as an activity to enhance instruction throughout many of the schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
On May 5, 2015, Archbishop William E. Lori held a press conference to announce an exciting new initiative that makes a 3D printer available in every Archdiocesan school. The initiative was made possible due to support from the Embracing Our Mission ~ Shaping Our Future capital campaign, a generous donation by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Croteau, and our technology and curriculum partners, 3D Systems and STEAMTrax.
In 2019, RSPS was awarded a grant from the Knott Foundation which enabled integration of 3D printing and laser cutting into the curriculum of all grade levels. Currently, RSPS has four Dremel Digilab 3D printers and a Dremel Digilab Laser Cutter to use with the students.
3D printing is considered a “game-changer” for schools, as they provide children with unparalleled access to innovative technology used by engineers, astronauts on the International Space Station, and medical professionals and scientists.
Resurrection-St. Paul School students will have access to this same technology and a curriculum that allows our students to become more ready every day for future discoveries and advances we have yet envisioned.