
Learn more about the education Resurrection-St. Paul School provides

The Archdiocese of Baltimore Curriculum is designed to prepare students to be Catholic, College and Career Ready. Each course of study fosters students’ Catholic identity, shaping them to be models of Christian living for others. We provide students with a curriculum that is rigorous and rich in various disciplines. By continuing to implement new standards that are challenging, we work to fulfill the promise of quality Catholic education that educates the whole child: mind, body and soul.

Operating under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Baltimore Department of Catholic Schools, Resurrection-St. Paul School follows the Course of Study developed by this educational entity. This curriculum meets and exceeds the curriculum requirements for the Maryland State Department of Education. The Archdiocese of Baltimore periodically reviews and updates curriculum. Please read the Archdiocesan Statement on Curriculum Revisions that explains the process and the value of these periodic updates.

It’s our ministry as Catholic educators to embody our faith in everything we do. We model and teach children how to form a personal relationship with Jesus and build a foundation for life long learning and discipleship.

Curriculum at RSPS

Learning Differences

Resurrection-St. Paul School is able to accommodate many students with diagnosed physical and/or learning differences. The Learning Resource Team, which consists of a Learning Specialist, Reading Specialist, Speech Pathologist, School Counselor and Administrators, is dedicated to reaching the various needs of all Resurrection students. Students who have a documented Learning Difference will have a Student Accommodation Plan (SAP). This plan will layout specific accommodations or modifications that will be made for the student to reach their full potential at Resurrection-St. Paul. Differentiated instruction along with multi-sensory learning (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) strategies allow most students to access the curriculum. Each student’s needs differ and a pre-admittance conference is recommended with members of the Learning Resource Team to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether or not Resurrection-St. Paul School can provide the best learning environment for the student.