Parent Volunteering


Volunteer Service Fee

Each family with a child(ren) in full day PreK-3 through Grade 8 is required to provide 20 hours of service to the school.  Families with a child in the half-day, 2-
day, 3-day PreK-3 or PreK-4 programs are only required to provide 10 hours of service to the school if there is no other sibling attending full day.  Single-parent
families are obligated to perform 10 hours of service. Single-parent volunteer service fee status must be presented to and approved by the school principal,
prior to October 1st of the current school year.

The full volunteer service fee is $300.00 or $150.00 for a single-parent household for a family with only a half- day, 2-day or 3-day preschool student.  Families not
fulfilling their volunteer service requirement will be charged for unmet hours at the rate of $15.00 per hour.

Volunteer hours are due in the log book by May 1st.  Outstanding service fees will be charged to the family’s FACTS account on May 25th.  If a family knows that
they will be performing volunteer hours for the school after the May 1st deadline, they should log that service information into the volunteer log book, prior to May
1st and indicate what their service will be and the hours and date it will be performed.  An example of this would be volunteer hours that are performed in May and June of the current school year, such as assisting with the 8th grade graduation, end of the year class parties, helping at Field Day, the 5K Fun Run, etc. It is not the school’s obligation to log volunteer hours into the log book on behalf of our families. It is up to the family to make sure all volunteer hours are logged into the system by May 1st .

All bills not paid by the end of the school year will result in progress reports being held until the obligation is met.

Parents may accrue hours for service with the Church of the Resurrection CYO basketball leagues and the Church of the Resurrection or St. Paul’s sponsored
Scout groups.  Each hour of CYO or Scout volunteer time counts as a half hour of volunteer time. Up to 10 hours of CYO basketball or Scout troop volunteer time
may be logged towards volunteer service for a family and up to 5 hours for a single-parent household may be logged.  The remaining 10 hours or 5 service
hours need to be performed for the direct benefit of the school.

Updates of Service Hours balances will be sent home after each Trimester ends, with a final update on May 1.

If you would like to copy your form submission, to keep track of your hours, do so before you hit the Submit button.