Facts Tuition Management
Enrollment in the FACTS Tuition Management Program is mandatory for all payment plans. In a further effort to accommodate our students and their families, our school offers three options for tuition payment. All tuition payments are collected by FACTS Tuition Management.
Through FACTS you will be able to:
- Arrange for a One-Time payment plan
- Arrange for a Bi-Annual payment plan
- Arrange for a Monthly payment plan (10 months)
FACTS e-Cashier will allow you to make payment(s) by:
- Check (One-Time payment option ONLY)
- Automatic checking or savings account deductions (U.S. Banks Only) – ACH draft – No fee
- Credit Card or Debit Card (2.95% processing fee will apply)
You may access your FACTS account at anytime online at online.factsmgt.com.
FACTS Grant & Aid
It is understood and appreciated the financial commitment and sacrifice families undertake in deciding to send their children to Resurrection-St. Paul School.
While paying for education is first and foremost the responsibility of a family, each parish and the Archdiocese of Baltimore devote significant funds each year
to financial assistance programs to help assist their families.
In order to be considered for any financial assistance, a family must apply through FACTS Grant and Aid.
FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment provides an independent third-party need-based analysis of the cost of education vs. a family’s ability to pay. FACTS Grant & Aid
provides the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the parishes assessment of what a family is able to contribute to its student(s) education expenses.
The money awarded does not have to be paid back. The funds awarded are distributed under the following priorities:
1. Application completed and supporting documents uploaded to FACTS Grant & Aid by the February 28th deadline
2. Current recipients of financial assistance
3. Financial need of a family
How do I apply for FACTS Grant & Aid?
Click here to apply for FACTS Grant & Aid
Archdiocesan Tuition Grant & Aid is available to registered parishioners of any Catholic church in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. A financial grant may apply
to each student, so a family with several children in the school, or in various Catholic school in the Archdiocese, could receive a grant for each child. The
student must be a registered K-8 grader. Pre-School is not eligible for Grant & Aid.
Archdiocesan tuition assistance generally comes from two funding sources: the Partners in Excellence Program and the Archdiocese of Baltimore School Fund.
Need is determined through your online FACTS Grant & Aid application. The Archdiocese will review all applications submitted by the February 28th deadline to
determine which families qualify for Archdiocesan aid. Grants awarded by the Archdiocese are renewed annual for the child’s entire K-12 Catholic education as
long as the family is still eligible. Completed FACTS Grant & Aid applications with required documentation must be received no later than February 28th each year to be considered.
Parish Tuition Grant & Aid is available for registered, practicing parishioners of the Church of the Resurrection and St. Paul Church. All funds available for
grant and aid come from your fellow parishioners and is meant to benefit parish families.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a registered, practicing parishioner for one year prior to applying for grant and aid
- A pattern of giving at the Parish either through envelopes or EFT draft
- Weekly Mass attendance
- Student must be a registered K-8 grader. Pre-School is not eligible for Grant and Aid.
- At least one parent/guardian must be a practicing Catholic
- No one student is eligible for more than half the cost of tuition
Families that do not show a regular pattern of giving will not be considered for parish tuition assistance awards.
Completed FACTS Grant Aid applications with required documentation must be received no later than February 28th each year to be considered.
Other Parish Grant and Aid– All parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore contribute to the Archdiocese of Baltimore School Fund. If you are a registered
parishioner at a Parish other than Church of the Resurrection or St. Paul Church, we strongly recommend you meet with your pastor to discuss the possibility of
grant and aid. We have found many parishes are willing to support their parishioners in obtaining a Catholic education for their child(ren).
The Business Manager would be happy to answer any questions or help guide a family through the grants and aid application process. Contact Mrs. Jill Buls at [email protected] or 410-461-9111 ext. 405 for more information.